Category: Articles


Reflection and Key LessonKey Lesson:

Every once in a while, we have the great fortune of perceiving a moment of such astonishing beauty or harmony that we all but lose ourselves within it. But what is far more amazing than any such vision is this breathtaking fact: were it not for our mysterious capacity to perfectly reflect that moment, to be one with it, in heart, mind and soul, there would be no beauty or harmony to behold.

~ Guy Finley, Life of Learning, Center for Spiritual Discovery, December 17, 2023


December 20, 2024

Living with chronic conditions like diabetes, arthritis, or heart disease can present daily challenges, but with the right strategies, it’s ...

Strategies for Living Well with Chronic Conditions

December 13, 2024

Sorting through documents, from medical records to financial statements, is a balancing act between necessity and clutter.  So, how do ...

Is it Time to Let Go of Those Old Documents?

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Age Like You Mean It!


Planning for the Second Half of Life

Our clients love our Zoom concierge meetings! We offer closed captions for the hearing impaired - both in meetings and in the webinar.

You're Not Alone Book Series

A new informational guide for those who have received an Alzheimer’s Diagnosis and their families.

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